Dedication Policy

Wilcox Park Dedication Policy

Having a bench, tree or shrub dedicated is a wonderful way of memorializing or honoring a person, persons, pet, organization, or special occasion. These park amenities enhance the enjoyment of the public, beautify Wilcox Park and are a thoughtful tribute. Each bench, tree and shrub dedication will be acknowledged in the Memorial Album, which is held in the office of the Superintendent of Wilcox Park. Contributions to the dedication program are tax-deductible donations, which help to support the maintenance of Wilcox Park. Please contact Alan Peck, Park Superintendent, for further details at 401-596-2877 x 334 or

Dedicated Bench - $5,000 (The park is currently at capacity for dedicated benches. When benches become available, in the future, this option will be marked as available.)

The donor is entitled to one park bench with a single commemorative plaque. The Memorial and Library Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) will work with the donor to accommodate plaque inscriptions within the standard font size and character limit. All bench plaques are cast with only commonly used typographical characters and symbols. No images or portraits shall be permitted. There shall be no offensive or explicit language.

A specific bench location may be requested by the donor and will ultimately be determined at the sole discretion of the Association based on landscape, public safety, installation elements, maintenance and other considerations. The Association retains the right to relocate or remove benches, plaques or surrounding vegetation and amenities without advance notice to the donor.

Dedicated benches generally have a useful life expectancy of 30 years, though often last much longer.

If a bench needs to be replaced after 30 years, the donor has a right of first refusal to renew the donation for another term. To the extent practicable, the Association will notify the donor of the opportunity to replace the bench or to retrieve the plaque if available. Plaques will not be held for a period of more than 60 days. It is the responsibility of the donor to notify the Association of any changes to contact information.

The Association will provide general maintenance for the bench and surrounding park area. If the dedicated bench is damaged or vandalized within its useful or designated life expectancy, reasonable efforts will be made to repair the bench as park funding allows. Benches that are stolen or damaged beyond reasonable repair are not required to be replaced by the Association; however, the donor has the option to purchase a replacement bench at cost.

All dedicated benches and plaques are the property of the Association.

Dedicated Tree - $750

The donor is entitled to a tree with a commemorative tag to be planted in Wilcox Park. The tag inscription is determined by the donor with guidance from the Association regarding the standard font size and character limit. Only commonly used typographical characters and symbols are permitted. There shall be no offensive or explicit language.

A specific tree species or location may be requested by the donor and will ultimately be determined at the sole discretion of the Association based on landscape, public safety, installation elements, maintenance and other considerations. The Association retains the right to relocate or remove dedicated trees and plaques or tags.

Commemorative tree donations are accepted year-round; however, tree-planting ceremonies must be scheduled during an appropriate planting season (spring or fall). Tree planting dates are scheduled in collaboration with the donor and the Association and are subject to change based on the availability of the tree, delivery and prevailing weather.

Wilcox Park will maintain the tree in a customary manner. In the event the tree dies within 5 years of planting, it will be replaced by the Association and the dedication plaque or tag maintained as park funds allow. Tree selection of a replacement is at the sole discretion of the Association and may differ from the original in terms of species, age and size.

General maintenance for the tree and surrounding park area will be provided by the Association. If the dedicated tree is suffering from disease, damage, or insect activity during its life expectancy, reasonable efforts will be made to save the tree as funding allows. Trees that require removal for any reason after the 5-year timeframe are not required to be replaced by the Association.

All dedicated trees, plaques and tags are the property of the Association. The Association retains the right to relocate or remove trees, plaques, tags or surrounding vegetation and amenities without advance notice to the donor.

Dedicated Shrub - $150

The donor is entitled to a shrub with a commemorative tag to be planted in Wilcox Park. The tag inscription is determined by the donor with guidance from the Association regarding the standard font size and character limit. Only commonly used typographical characters and symbols are permitted. There shall be no offensive or explicit language.

A specific shrub specie and location may be requested by the donor and will ultimately be determined at the sole discretion of the Association based on landscape, public safety, installation elements, maintenance and other considerations. The Association retains the right to relocate or remove dedicated shrubs and/or tags without advance notice to the donor.

Commemorative shrub donations are accepted year-round; however, planting ceremonies must be scheduled during an appropriate planting season (spring or fall). Planting dates are scheduled in collaboration with the donor and the Association and are subject to change based on the availability of the shrub, delivery, and prevailing weather.

Wilcox Park will maintain the shrub in a customary manner. In the event the shrub dies within 5 years of planting, it will be replaced by the Association and the dedication tag maintained as park funds allow. Shrub selection of a replacement is at the sole discretion of the Association and may differ from the original in terms of species, age and size.

General maintenance for the shrub and surrounding park area will be provided by the Association. If the dedicated shrub is suffering from disease, damage, or insect activity during its life expectancy, reasonable efforts will be made to save the shrub as funding allows. Shrubs that require removal for any reason after the 5-year timeframe are not required to be replaced by the Association.

All dedicated shrubs and tags are the property of the Association. The Association retains the right to relocate or remove trees, tags, or surrounding vegetation and amenities without advance notice to the donor.


Approved by the Board of Trustees September 20, 2022

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