The library will be closed Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Get a Library Card
“Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better.” - Sidney Sheldon
Westerly Library and Wilcox Park belongs to the statewide Ocean State Libraries (OSL) network. This network enables cardholders to utilize any library system within the state of Rhode Island, which grants access to over four million collection items. The library card is free of charge to Rhode Island residents and residents of Stonington, CT. Nonresidents who own property in Rhode Island are also eligible for a free card. Valid ID and proof of address are required to obtain a library card. The 2023 annual fee for nonresidents who wish to have full borrowing privileges is $245.00 or $25.00 for a local use only card. Your Westerly Library and Wilcox Park card offers you access to over 285,000 items contained within our library collection and over 4,000,000 items contained within the OSL network!
Young Adults age 13-17 may provide proof of their enrollment in a public or private school in Rhode Island (class schedule, transcript, report card, etc.) in lieu of a photo ID if they do not otherwise have one. Proof of home address must still be provided if not stated on school enrollment documents. OR a parent/guardian can provide an ID and a signature for the application.
Children age 12 and younger can sign up for a library card in the Kids Room. A parent/guardian must be present, with valid photo ID and proof of residency.
Currently, Westerly Library and Wilcox Park is unable to remotely process online applications for new library cards or renewals. Please follow this link for the mail-in application, or stop in and visit our Public Services Department to apply for or renew a card. For further inquiries, please contact Public Services at 596.2877 ext 930.
Text Message Alerts for Ocean State Libraries' Cardholders
With the library's text alert service, you can use your mobile phone to:
- Receive text notices about holds that are available, items that are due soon and overdue items.
- Send a text to renew an item (if item is eligible for renewal)
The library does not charge a fee for this service. Your mobile plan's regular text messaging rates apply. Click here for more information on setting up Text Alerts!