The library will be closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents Day.
Come join URI Master Gardeners for a walking tour of native plants and pollinators at beautiful Wilcox Park. The tour is 1 1/2 hours; 10:00–11:30 AM. URI Master Gardeners will lead you around one loop of the Park. The tour will begin and end on the park Esplanade at the side entrance of the library.
View the formal Esplanade gardens, designed to mimic the library Italian Palazzo architecture. Stroll by the long perennial bed, learn about native grasses and trees. Most importantly, see the native plant pollinator garden with true natives. Learn why these are important and get to see how they are integrated into a beautiful garden.
Tours occur on the second Saturday of each month, May through October:
May 11, June 8, July 13, August 10, Sept 21, Oct 12
For more information or questions please visit their site by clicking here.